FAQs for Executive Orders N-52-20, N-69-20, N-71-20 and N-83-20 Impacting Applicants and Licensees
Updated May 11, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 and early 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a series of Executive
Orders that impacted DRE licensees and license applicants by extending some deadlines to June 30, 2021.
That deadline is quickly approaching. Here is the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the orders:
1. |
What are the four groups affected by Governor Newsom's Executive Orders and what must be done before the June 30, 2021 deadline. |
Any affected licensee or examinee can make fee payments on time, but will not be penalized if they miss their original deadline, so long as the payment is made by June 30, 2021. |
2. |
What's the best way to renew my license? |
Licensees are strongly encouraged to use DRE's
eLicensing system. The secure system offers expedited processing of salesperson, broker, and
officer license renewals 24/7. eLicensing is easy to use, paperless, and interactive.
3. |
Is there anyone who cannot use the eLicensing system? |
Yes, eLicensing is not available for either officers renewing after the four-year license expiration date or any restricted licensees. These renewal applications must be submitted by mail to:
4. |
What else do I need to know about the June 30, 2021 deadline? |
Your renewal is considered on-time if your eLicensing transaction is completed or your mailed application is postmarked before midnight on June 30, 2021. If you mail your renewal on time, Business and Professions Code Section 10156.2 permits you to continue operating under your existing license after its expiration date, unless notified otherwise by the DRE. |
5. |
Will this extension change my expiration date going forward? |
No. This will not change your future expiration date. For example, if your license expired on December 31, 2020 and you wait until June 30, 2021 to renew, your next expiration date will still be December 31, 2024. The extension simply applied to the most recent renewal or application period and not the term of your license. |